How to (start a) company

Building enduring businesses - a collection of the best tips and tricks on how to start your own company or organization

Top 3

  1. You do not compete with those who can. You compete with those who do. There is a big difference between having and executing an idea. And therefore —> speed trumps plans. Fail fast, learn faster.

  2. Add value for your client. Frontline obsession. Give something people want. Via negativa: focus not only on adding value, but removing everything else (entropy).

  3. Focus on fixed price cost models (Amazon) and scalability. Focus on reducing the costs of experiments.

Blogs / Guides

I wrote a few blogs on building enduring businesses. I will add the improved versions/lessons here. Other great guides are:

Gumroad (!)

Sahil Lavingia Best 34 Quotes & Tweets on Tips to founders (






How to be your own boss