Technical Specs & Standards

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  1. NEN-ISO/IEC/IEEE 80005-1

    • Utility connections in port: HVSC systems – General requirements High Voltage shore side electricity (up to 20 MVA per vessel)

  2. NEN-ISO/IEC/IEEE 80005-2

    • Utility connections in port: HVSC systems – Data communication for monitoring and control

  3. NEN-ISO/IEC/IEEE 80005-3

    • Utility connections in port: HVSC systems – General Requirements Low Voltage shore side (typically less than 1 MVA)

Other Guidelines

  1. IET 2015 - Institution of Engineering and Technology

    • A new international Standard for utility connections in port (link)

  2. IEEE 2007 - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

    • A paper that highlights efforts of IEEE, ISO and I EC to develop standards for medium voltage on-shore power supply connections (link)

  3. European Alternative Fuels Observatory

    • Onshore Power Supply Guidelines (link)


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