Awesome Community*
*Name pending
What if there is a place where you can make money by sharing ideas? What if there is a place where you can connect to a group of awesome people like you? What if you have the chance to build this place, and make it your place? Read on to learn more or listen to the podcast!
A community to learn, share and make moneys
Why we want to make this community
We live in a world with amazing opportunities, technological marvels and brilliant people. Like you.
Indeed, life is good. But it can be better.
We believe we need to make the world a better place. We envision a world in which every human can achieve its full potential. We believe in a future in which everyone can focus on the things that matter. The things that add value to our lives and those around us. We also believe that we are not the only ones who believe this.
There is a whole world of cool people, just like you, who are working hard to make a sustainable future. Making the world a better place can be a bit lonely sometimes however. Sometimes you just want to reach out to others for some help, or connect with like-minded people who are the change and not just talking about it. Or actually working against it.
That is why we are building a place where people like us can connect, share ideas and actually make money to realize our dreams. But first, how do we move this place from a dream to a reality?
The community we have in mind
How will it work?
We have a simple three-step plan in mind that is at the core of our community. It is called “Join. Share. Win!”
What does that mean?
1. Join
After you have passed a test - which is yet to be defined - to determine if you are worthy, you will join the community. You will then pay a certain contribution each week, say 1 euro. You are now part of the tribe, congrats! You have completed your first step and can connect to others who are as eager as you. The next step is to share your idea.
2. Share
You can share anything. It can be an idea, a contribution to someone else’s idea, or simply a story you like. It can be anything related to sustainability or a better future, all we ask of you is to be creative and for the idea to be in line with our values. We then decide who has the ‘best idea’ of the week, after which the owner will receive all the contribution of that week!
3. Win
You win! Your idea was selected as the best idea of the week! Not only do you reserve the undying respect and fame of the entire community (for a week), you also receive the contribution money of all the other community members. You can now do with that money as you please. No questions asked. Why? Because we believe trust is the highest for of motivation.
Why join this community?
What is in it for you?
Apart from the obvious fact that you can make money by simply sharing ideas, you win much more.
You will join a place where you can connect, learn, share, and be part of something greater. Even if you do not win the contribution money, you still help your idea and your people achieve your goals! In the end, everybody wins when we can achieve our true potential and do the things that bring value to our lives.
Imagine our world if, in a year, we are able to bring 1000 people together who can share their ideas and vote on what they believe adds value. That would mean one of us gets €1.000 to pursue our dreams, supported by 1000 others who feel the same.
What is expected from you?
How much time and money will it cost?
We start small, so the expectations will be small too. We will first run a pilot with only a few people. Like you. These people will determine how the community will behave and look like in the future. At the moment however, all that is needed from you is the following.
1. You participate in the pilot for 3 months, starting in January 2022. This basically means you are added to a whatsapp group.
2. You pay 1 euro each week, you share (at least) 1 idea each week, plus you vote on 1 idea before 11:11 on Friday each week.
3. You act nice to others, in accordance to our values. If you act like a dementor, sucking life out of others, you are expelled.
We believe this should not occupy more than an hour of your time a week. In the last week of March, we will evaluate and determine the way forward, together. We will do this by voting on the best name of the community in the last week of March.
We are thinking of adding some more ‘house rules’ to incentivize everyone in the community, which we have listed below. These are a work in progress however and you can help shape them.
Other Questions
We can imagine you have plenty of other questions. In all fairness, we cannot answer them all. Sometimes answers lead to more questions, and we need you to help solve them. Nonetheless, we have described - perhaps partly - the answers to some of the questions you might have.
Ideas are the currency of the 21st century
We want to live in a world that is exciting. A world that is fun, challenging and helps people to achieve their full potential.
Our goal is to make the world a better place. Not simply because we believe it is one of the hardest challenges of our time. It is also one of the most fun challenges.
We believe this community is our first step towards achieving our goal. Or should we say, your goal. We want to put tools in the hands of those who have the good ideas, but lack the help. Facing up to the challenges of our time requires bold solutions and bold people.
You can be one of them.
Mood board with examples of the vibe we are after
The vibe should align with our values: curiosity - courage - collaboration.
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