Slow, [Expensive] and Amazing - Nuclear Power [2/3]
Costs of renewables continue to fall incrementally and are at a record low of around €40 per MWh. Meanwhile, conventional nuclear - despite over half a century of industrial experience - continues to see costs rising and is up to three times more expensive at €150 per MWh. why is that?
[Slow], Expensive and Amazing - Nuclear Power [1/3]
The conventional one gigawatt nuclear power plant takes almost 15 years to build if you are not from a major nuclear state*. The fastest builders (historically) are the Japanese, for which it takes only 5 years. Asian states - or contractors - are generally faster builders compared to the West and Russia. Learn more about the differences and reasons why in this blog.
Small Modular Reactors Explained - Nuclear Power's Future?
With the growing popularity of solar and wind, we sometimes forget another powerful low-carbon energy source: nuclear. It can be a divisive topic, but there's a really interesting alternative to building out massive, expensive nuclear plants that's worth talking about: Small Modular Reactors. What are they? What are the benefits? And do they really address the downsides of nuclear energy?
The Economics of Nuclear Energy
Investment in renewables reached 273 billion dollars in 2018. Why not nuclear? Countries that produce a lot of low-carbon energy (like France) pay way less for their killowatt-hours. So why are baseload providing nuclear power reactors losing the battle against natural gas stations? Let’s dive into the economics of nuclear power stations.
Pandora’s Promise
The atomic bomb and meltdowns like Fukushima have made nuclear power synonymous with global disaster. But what if we’ve got nuclear power wrong? Pandora’s Promise asks whether the one technology we fear most could save our planet from a climate catastrophe, while providing the energy needed to lift billions of people in the world out of poverty.