Mr. Sustainability

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Our Crew

Hello there. This is us.

We are a crew of volunteers, working in the offshore and maritime industry. We believe the maritime industry is a thing of beauty and want to share our passion to make the industry sustainable. We aim to do so by working together.

We felt that everyone around us was talking about sustainability, but not everyone was actually doing stuff. We also realized we view things differently than others. We value curiosity, courage and collaboration. And having fun. That is why we came together to start Mr. Sustainability and Mr. Communability. No more talking, doing!

You can read about what motivated each of us to join Mr. Sustainability and Mr. Communability. Intrigued by our stories? You can join if you like to contribute to a sustainable maritime industry. Scroll down to learn more.

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“It is not the reward that makes our work meaningful. We achieve our true potential by growing and learning new skills, while helping each other.”

Would you like to join our crew?

In case you feel attracted to our cause, feel free to sign up! We could always use more crewmates. All you need is the willingness to volunteer one hour a week, a passion for sustainability and a love for strawberries. Click on the button below to go to Mr. Communability and leave a message that you are interested to join. We will then contact you as soon as possible.

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